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Fudebakudo is published by Exploding Pen Limited, and is a Beholder project.

Fudebakudo animations by René Carbonell. René also provided some guest illustrations in the book. We have worked together on other Beholder projects since.

Samurai animation (which really does appear in the book) by Raúl & René Carbonell.

Special thanks to the late Judith Bagai for her inscrutable attention to detail.
Thanks also to Eric Bagai of Flaming Sparrow Press in Portland, OR for services beyond the call of duty.

Downloadable slippers designed by Dennis Walker of the British Origami Society.

T'ai chi long form performed by Phil Goldman.

Additional graphics provided by Anneliese Sivelle and Steve Carpenter.

The original calligraphy for the Fudebakudo kanji was graciously provided by Mr. Makato Nanba.

Invaluable accountancy assistance patiently provided by Andy (in the early days) and Abi (in the latter days).

After years using commercial hosting services, Fudebakudo is now being served to you thanks to the generosity of Mark Stitson and JBB's fat pipe. Mark also does mission-critical sysadmin when it is needed.

Cover and wallpaper created with POV-Ray freeware

UK national book distribution is only possible because Gren and Caroline continue to allow themselves (and their cars and/or bicycles) to be exploited, over and over again.

Thank you to Jamie and Ying for helping out during Fudebakudo's ASEAN expansion campaign.

Rob DuPuis once filled his flat with stock (because this can happen when you self-publish) and ended up getting a grand piano in order to force the books out of his home.

Varied lugging, storing, and directoring duties provided by Timbo Beardychops. Who also provided a sack barrow, which broke.

Thanks to Pete and Suzie for help in and around Seni all those years ago. And Matt, who took some photos.

Domo arigato to Jun and Mari and Naomi and Mami and Shoko and Nanae for all their hard work at four Seni events over the years (composite photo in the Beholder scrapbook).

Fudebakudo would probably never have become a book, let alone a successful one, had it not been for motivation and on-the-ground work provided by Trevor Syrad, who was Exploding Pen's Head of Global Security for several years (and he had business cards to prove it).

Thanks to the rogue MAI employee who got Fudebakudo in there by circumventing the editorial approval I think we both knew it would never achieve. I had fun with that correspondence while it lasted, and we met face-to-face for a coffee at SENI one year.

A professional tip o' the hat is due to Steve Way, Private Eye contributor and former cartoons editor of Punch. He played a big part by putting the penultimate martial art before a wider audience than its native sweaty kicky-throwy-punchers: he approved Fudebakudo for inclusion in The Cartoonist newspaper, of which he was editor and co-founder, in 1993.

And finally . . . thanks to all the Fudebakudo readers who have bought the book and helped spread the word, on and off the mats of the world, about the penultimate martial art.