Aikido Creative-Commons Artwork

The images on this page* are all available under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike license. That means you can use them for anything you want, including commerical use, provided that you credit Beholder and license your new creations under the identical terms.
For example, if you want to use them in an information pack for new members, or on your dojo website, then that's fine — just put a credit somewhere on the document or page such as:
images cc by-sa Beholder
If you're using them online, please don't steal our bandwidth: copy the image files and host them on your own website. If you're putting them in a document, remember to use the print-resolution ones.
The collection currently includes basic attacks, techniques, terms, and sundry. Check back again: more added from time to time!
* Sorry, but other Fudebakudo images on this website are © Beholder so can't be used for commercial purposes — see our position on copyright to see what we're cool with and what we're not.
Useful terms
Fudebakudo is published by Exploding Pen Limited, and is a Beholder project.
These images were originally prepared for Sotenjuku aikido club (in Egham and Staines, UK).